Biting you are also bit by next one. It repeats however changes.
Each player can intervene physically, optically, with visual effector and any sounds against video image on the monitor sent by the former player. If she/he cover all view area of camera by her/himself, the covered image passes through several monitors and cameras to show itself on her/his monitor, then practically the signal stops.
A .player must react to the other players’actions in the camera view area to deal with addition and substraction of information.
(It is possible that all players do nothing to let signal to flow freely, because feedback system can generate images spontaneously. Also they can set solo part, just couple player work together. )

Every action and moment must reduce to be a flat moving image but...
Player’s introduction must be on special web site, and latter documentation of all set lists also on same site. Audiences can watch whole process of generation of images through same web site.
This session on feedback system shows us the simulation of information theory. To liken closed circuit system as Uroboros, that two snakes bite each other. However, when some human beings are composed in digital circuit, can this info-Uroboros can swallow everything?
